FBI Investigator Looks At Wall of Evidence
FBI Investigator In Movie Wolf Of Wall Street Looks At Wall Of Evidence
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When you're trying to be positive but life just keeps throwing lemons at you. When you're trying to be healthy but all you want is junk food. Looks like the jig is up When the truth finally catches up to you Who said crime pays? Trying to get away with it won't work No more hiding What were you thinking?! Time to face the consequences You can't escape your fate Don't mess with Agent Patrick Denham When you realize you've been scammed Time to face justice Just another day on Wall Street You can't outsmart the law Always somebody watching You can run, but you can't hide Nowhere to hide now It's time to pay the price The law always wins The walls have eyes Don't mess with the law Looks like you're in trouble Looks like you've been caught No more running away What have you done? When the Wolf of Wall Street comes knocking Don't try to outsmart the law