Lucifer Holds Up Sign at Auction
Lucifer Morningstar Holds Up A Sign At an Auction in the Netflix TV Show Lucifer
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I'm not saying vote for Lucifer but he's not the worst candidate out there. It's time to cast your vote for Lucifer Morningstar! Hurried, nervous, and anxious about Lucifer's bid for office Huh? Lucifer's running for president? Looks like I'm in trouble again When Lucifer asks for your number and you know it's not for dating What do you mean, Lucifer is running for office? Looks like Lucifer is taking the race seriously Time to face the music Oh no, not again! How did I get myself into this mess? When you realize Lucifer is serious about running for president What did we get ourselves into? Fantasy and drama just got real When you realize you've been scammed into voting for Lucifer What seemed like a joke just got real Everyone's voting for Lucifer but you Everyone's smiling, gesturing, and bidding for Lucifer Is Lucifer really serious about becoming president? Is this really happening? Here we go again... What have I done to deserve this? When Lucifer asks you to join his bid for president Not what I expected when I tuned into the series Who knew Lucifer was a man of many talents? When Lucifer turns up in a suit and mustache