Man Makes Rainbow Motion With Hands
A Man In A Video Makes Rainbow Motion With Both Of His Hands
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Truly don't care about anything else. I'm just here for the memes. I'm not really sure what's going on here but I truly don't care. When you embrace your own unique style When nothing can bring you down When you radiate positivity When you don't need the approval of anyone else When you're so chill, you don't sweat the small stuff When you don't let the world break you When you can't be stopped When you don't take life too seriously Making it look easy When you live with joy and don't let others bring you down When you just don't care When you don't care what anyone thinks When you just want to have fun When you have confidence and swagger When you stay calm in the face of adversity Joey Badass: I'm living my best life When you're too fly to care When you're too cool for school Who said rap stars can't be laid back? Joey Badass: Nothing can hold me back Joey Badass: When nothing else matters Who said rap stars can't sparkle? When you just want to keep it real When you stay true to yourself When you're so chill, even trouble can't faze you