Kate Winslet Unfolds Napkin
Kate Winlset As Rose In Titatnic Unfolds Napkin During Dinner
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I'm going to make a Titanic out of this ship! I'm flying! I'm the king of the world! I'm the captain now! Love on the Titanic: A story of tragedy This is not the ending I had planned Rose: "I'll never let go of this note!" A tale of heartache: The paper note Rose: "My life changed with this note!" When you realize your fate has been decided When you realize your story has already been written When you find out the truth that was hidden in the note Rose: "I must keep reading this note!" Rose: "But I must keep reading!" When you realize your dreams won't come true That moment when you open the note Rose: "This note was meant to be!" When you realize it's time to let go When you discover the truth behind the note When life hands you a note When life throws you a curveball That moment when you realize what the note said A tale of tragedy: A paper note When life hands you a paper note Rose: "My fate was sealed with this note!" When you're forced to face the music Rose: "This note won't let me go!" The necklace and the note: A tale of tragedy When life gives you lemons you make a Titanic That moment when you find out the truth Rose: "This note is my destiny!"