Titanic Leaves Port For Journey
The Ship In Movie Titanic Leaves New York Port To Set Sail
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I'm going to hit an iceberg! I'm flying! I'm the king of the world! I'm the captain now. I'm going to need a bigger boat. When you realize the other passengers weren't waving goodbye Looks like I'm in trouble again Oh, the tragedy of it all When romance takes a wrong turn Oh well, maybe next time This isn't what I expected When you realize your romance was nothing more than a movie Waving goodbye to the hopes of a happy ending What did I get myself into?! Time to face the music Oh no, not again! When you find out your love story isn't as romantic as you thought Waving goodbye to the dream of a perfect love story Don't board the Titanic if you want a happy ending When you realize your love story was only a movie Looks like the romance is sinking When you find out the boat isn't sailing The hull of the Titanic wasn't painted with a happy ending Is this really happening? Here we go again... Too bad the Titanic didn't have a happy ending When tragedy strikes and ruins the night Hope floats, but so do the Titanic's remains What have I done to deserve this? When the storybook ending isn't what you expected Looks like the Titanic isn't sailing anywhere