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A Man In Movie Addams Family Licks Hand And Flips Pages Rapidly
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I'm sorry I'm already booked. I'm sorry I have other plans. I'm sorry I have a prior engagement. When the family planner gets too full When you've taken on one too many tasks Gomez Addams: Master of time management Gomez Addams: Always one step ahead When the workload is too much What did I get myself into?! Time to face the music How did I get myself into this mess? When you're trying to get it all done before dinner The Addams Family Agenda: Sift through documents, lick mustaches, and rush to finish When your planner is overflowing The Addams Family: Just another day in the life of a fantasy family Gomez Addams: Always running late Gomez Addams: Always planning, always sifting Gomez Addams: Never a dull moment Anxious? Rushed? Gomez Addams has been there The Addams Family: Always finding a way to make it work Just another day in the Addams Family Gomez Addams: Always looking for a way to stay ahead of the game It's all in a day's work for the Addams family The Addams Family: Never enough time in the day When your to-do list is longer than you can handle What have I done to deserve this? Gomez Addams: Juggling work and family life It seemed like a good idea at the time! Gomez Addams: Never too busy for a laugh