Sherlock Holmes Gets Splashed With Wine
Robert Downey Jr. As Sherlock Holmes Gets Splashed With Wine At Dinner
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When Sherlock gets angry, he splashes wine I don't think Mary Morstan is going to be happy about this! Sherlock Holmes: solving mysteries one glass of wine at a time Oh yikes! What has Sherlock got himself into? Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Spilled Wine When you're solving a mystery, a glass of wine is essential Uh oh, looks like Sherlock is in trouble again When a case gets too tough, it's time for a glass of wine It's always a good idea to start with a glass of wine Wine, drama and mystery: Sherlock Holmes at his best Who spilled the wine? Sherlock Holmes: solving mysteries, drinking wine and looking good in a suit What a mess! Oh no, has Sherlock gotten himself into another mess? What kind of trouble has Sherlock gotten himself into? Can Sherlock Holmes solve the mystery before the wine runs out? Sherlock Holmes: solving mysteries and drinking wine Wine isn't the only thing spilling in this thriller Sherlock Holmes: the master of crime and wine Oh no! What has Sherlock done now? What kind of trouble has Sherlock gotten into this time? What has Sherlock done this time? Sherlock Holmes and wine: the perfect combination Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Wine When Sherlock Holmes and wine mix, trouble follows Have a glass of wine and get ready to solve the case