Tim Allen Sees Santa On Roof
Tim Allen In Movie Santa Claus Sees Santa On The Rough And Is Shocked
The Santa ClausSanta ClausMovieFilmEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousChristmas MovieFantasyScott CalvinTim AllenTim Allen Spots Santa On Roof And Is ShockedTim Allen Spotting Santa On Roof And Is ShockedTim Allen Sees Santa On Roof And Is ShockedTim Allen Seeing Santa On Roof And Is ShockedSurpriseShockUnexpected
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What did I get myself into? Time to face the music! Looks like I'm in trouble again! I'm starting to regret my choices! Guess I'm walking into the unknown now This isn't what I expected! When you realize Santa was real all along When you find out you've been living a lie Scott Calvin, what have you done?! Oh no, not again! How did I get myself into this mess? So this is what happens when you mess with Santa Family fantasy won't be the same after this Not what I signed up for! I should have seen this coming! Walking into a fantasy world, one step at a time It's time for Santa to make a shocking entrance Tim Allen didn't tell me this would happen! Woah! What's going on here? When you thought it was all just a fantasy Staring at the snowy pavement, I know something is up Is this really happening? Here we go again... What have I done to deserve this? Who knew a white t-shirt and thick jacket could do this? When Santa shows up in a place you least expect It seemed like a good idea at the time!