Ryan Higa Pointing to Board
Ryan Higa Points to Presentation Board For A YouTube Video
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I'm not saying it was aliens but it was aliens. I'm not a scientist but I'm pretty sure this is how it works. When you thought the Nice Guys were actually nice When you find out that the projector screen isn't working When you press the wrong button When you are the only one laughing When your jokes just don't hit the mark When your videos don't get the attention you expected When you realize you've been talking to yourself When you're left pointing and gesturing in disapproval When you don't like the shirt you're wearing When your jokes don't land When the jokes aren't funny and your audience isn't amused When the projector screen won't cooperate When you realize that social media is a double edged sword When Chester See and Ryan Higa team up When NigaHiga is not so nice When the audience is not impressed When no one is enjoying your video When your music video doesn't quite hit the mark When your content is not as good as you thought When the YouTube video you made goes wrong When you realize your content is not as good as you thought When your videos get no love When your comedy skit backfires When you find out that no one is laughing When your video gets no views When you realize the video was not funny