Ryan Higa Voices Nope
Ryan Higa In YouTube Skit Voices Nope and Shakes His Head
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That's not happening. I'm not doing that. Nope. No way. I don't think so. Oh No! Kevin Wu's tie-hand classroom shake of disapproval Not the outcome I was expecting Well, that didn't work When your social media posts fail to go viral When you make a YouTube video that nobody watches KevJumba and Nigahiga: The not so Nice Guys When the idea backfires What was I thinking? Looks like I'm out of luck When you realize your Nice Guy persona isn't working When the plan fails What have I done? This is not what I signed up for Displeased with the results Let's try something else Shaking his head in disbelief Ryan Higa says 'Nope' When you try your hand at music video content Not what I had in mind That's a 'Nope' from Ryan Time to think of a new plan When expectations don't meet reality Gesturing 'No way' What now?