When you think you've got the perfect reaction gif, but it's not quite right
Woman Motions Air Quotes
A Woman In A Video Motions Air Quotes To Audience
Air Quotes
A Woman Using Air Quotes
Viral Meme
Being Sarcastic
Woman Putting Up Air Quotes
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
I'm not saying it was aliens but it was aliens.
When your attempt at a viral video fails to make an impact
When you think you've got the perfect reaction gif, but it's not quite right
When you're trying to seem serious, but you can't help but laugh
When you need to make a point, but all you've got are your hands
When you realize your lifestyle isn't as cool as you thought it was
When you're trying to sound smart, but the words just won't come out
When you think you've got the perfect shelf, but something's missing
When you want to make a statement but you're all out of words
When the things you say don't quite match the things you do
When you want to make a point, but all you've got are your hands
When you're trying to look serious, but your earrings give you away
When you need to talk, but you don't want to move
When your attempt at 'air quoting' fails miserably
When you're trying to keep your cool, but you can feel the anger rising
When you can't quite get your reaction gif to work
When you know you should be annoyed, but all you feel is stressed
When you're trying to stay calm, but you can feel the stress building up
When your hands are busy, but you still need to talk
When you need to be sarcastic, but it just won't come out right
When you know you should be serious, but all you feel is annoyed
When you realize the quote you shared on Twitter isn't actually true
When you want to respond, but you can't find the words
When you need to take a break from social media
When you're trying to sound smart, but your long sleeves give you away
When your bookshelf isn't quite as impressive as you thought it would be