Neo Watches Bullets Fall Around Him
Neo from The Matrix Sees Bullets Fall Around his Body
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I'm not saying it was aliens but it was aliens. I'm not a scientist but I'm pretty sure this is how gravity works. Here comes the bullet! Action-packed sci-fi adventures? Sign me up! Is this really the only way out? Time to dodge those bullets! What have I gotten myself into? Say it ain't so! Here we go again! Looks like I'm in trouble again! I'm starting to regret my choices! What did I get myself into?! Time to face the music Oh no, not again! Just another day in the life of Neo Just another day in the Matrix Ready or not, here I come! I should have seen this coming! Not sure I'm ready for this! When you realize you're living in a simulated reality Confident? Anxious? Me too! When you realize you've been lied to your whole life When your dreams become a nightmare Is this really happening? Here we go again... That's why they call it a simulated reality! What have I done to deserve this? It seemed like a good idea at the time!