Nate Diaz Slaps Dana White
UFC Fighter Nate Diaz Slaps Dana White In Video
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Nate Diaz just slappin' it up Nate Diaz isn't going to take it anymore Who's the bad guy now? Dana White getting a taste of his own medicine Black t-shirt, white watch, and a slap for Dana When YouTube lifestyle goes wrong Nate Diaz has something to say Looks like Dana White won't be walking away unscathed Don't mess with Nate Diaz When the trees start slapping Social media isn't always what it seems Bet you didn't expect that, Dana When social media goes wrong Who said you can't slap someone on the sidewalk? This isn't the YouTube lifestyle you signed up for Content creation can be a dangerous business Watch out, Nate Diaz is on the loose Nate Diaz: Madder than ever Did you think you could get away with it, Nate? Peeved? Mad? You bet! Uhmm, what just happened? Making video content doesn't come without risks Nate Diaz: Not one to be messed with Slapping his way to viral fame Looks like Dana White has met his match Nate Diaz: Taking no prisoners