Principal Hits Fire Alarm
Principal In Movie Mean Girls Hits Fire Alarm Button With Bat
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You can't sit with us. I'm not like a regular mom I'm a cool mom. On Wednesdays we wear pink. When the fire alarm makes you so mad, you want to run away When the fire alarm makes you want to grab the nearest baseball bat When the fire alarm brings out your competitive side When the fire alarm makes you want to hit something When the fire alarm brings out the diva in you When the fire alarm turns your school into a battlefield When the fire alarm brings back traumatic Mean Girls memories When the fire alarm brings out the wild side in everyone When the fire alarm is so loud, even Tim Meadows can't handle it When the fire alarm brings out the worst in everyone When the fire alarm makes you so mad, you want to shout 'Hell No!' When the fire alarm sends everyone into a panic When the fire alarm makes you want to run and hide When the fire alarm makes you break out in a sweat When the fire alarm makes you want to challenge someone When the fire alarm makes you want to hit the sprinkler Mr. Duvall, I'm outta here! Mean Girls 2: Escape from High School When the fire alarm brings out your inner drama queen When the fire alarm makes you madder than ever When the fire alarm makes you want to throw your shirt in the air When the fire alarm makes you want to scream like a Mean Girl When the fire alarm goes off and you just can't take it anymore When the fire alarm make you wish you'd stayed in bed When the fire alarm brings out your inner Mean Girl When the fire alarm turns your school into a comedy show When your water pants are no match for the fire alarm