Conor McGregor On TV Interview
Conor McGregor Speaking To TV Host During An Interview
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I'm not trash I'm recycling! I'm not a pickle I'm a cucumber! I'm not a chicken I'm a duck! The world of sports isn't always what it seems When you finally realize the truth about UFC UFC: The harsh reality, as seen through Conor McGregor's eyes When you take a step back and see it for what it really is From the top of the stairs to the bottom of the barrel Don't believe the hype, UFC is no easy game Conor McGregor: Taking a stand against UFC The truth about UFC, as seen through Conor McGregor's eyes Peeved and mad, Conor McGregor knows the truth Conor McGregor: At the top of the stairs, but still peeved Conor McGregor: Taking a stand against the Ultimate Fighting Championship The truth about UFC, revealed by Conor McGregor When your dream job isn't all it's cracked up to be When you realize that UFC isn't all it's cracked up to be Ready to throw in the towel Conor McGregor: Disillusioned with UFC Not all white ties and staircases in UFC Maybe UFC isn't the dream job you thought it was Peeved, mad and ready for a fight You thought UFC was glamorous? Think again! The reality of the Ultimate Fighting Championship The real story behind the mixed martial arts showcase Just another day in the world of mixed martial arts Looks like Conor McGregor had enough UFC: Not as glamorous as it appears Peeved and mad, the reality of UFC hits Conor McGregor hard