Matthew McConaughey Looks At Phone Funny
Matthew McConaughey in True Detective Looks at his Phone While Smoking Cigarette
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Smoking is my way of saying 'screw you' to the establishment. I'm not going to stop smoking just because the government tells me to. What have I gotten myself into? Say it ain't so! Time to face the music! Drama and crime - my life motto Looks like I'm in trouble again! I'm starting to regret my choices! This isn't what I expected! Oh no, not again! How did I get myself into this mess? Just another day in the life of a detective Rust Cohle: On the case When you realize you're in way over your head When you realize your life is in danger When you realize your phone has been hacked Not what I signed up for! I should have seen this coming! When you realize you've bitten off more than you can chew Don't worry, I got this! Here we go again.. Matthew McConaughey: Astounded, Shocked and Smoking Time to light up and get to work! Is this really happening? I'm not sure I'm ready for this! What have I done to deserve this? When you've got a mystery to solve, there's no time to waste! Lights, smoking, phone.. all I need to get the job done It seemed like a good idea at the time!