Max Mayfield Being Possessed
Max Mayfield In TV Show Stranger Things Possessed While Listening To Headphones
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I'm not a fan of music but this is my favorite song. I'm sorry I don't know what you mean by 'favorite song.' Strangest things have happened... Oh no, not this again! Time to face the music! Looks like I'm in trouble again! I'm starting to regret my choices! That's why they call it sci-fi! What did I get myself into?! What have I gotten myself into?! What was that?! Is it safe to keep listening? Aaahh! What was that?! Not what I signed up for! Uh oh, this can't be good! No way, this isn't happening! Max's reaction when he hears his favorite song When you can't handle the suspense of Stranger Things Feeling the fear of the unknown Here we go again... When the music makes you feel like you're in a horror movie Don't look, don't listen! When your favorite song comes on and it feels like the world stops I'm not sure I'm ready for this! Ready for the unexpected What have I done to deserve this? Max Mayfield knows horror all too well Is it time to run yet?