Man Fights Other Men In Black
A Man In Movie Kung Fu Hustle Has Epic Kung Fu Fight With Other Men
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
I'm not a fighter I'm a lover. I'm not a fighter I'm a ninja. I'm not a fighter I'm a kung fu master. Kung Fu Hustle: It's not just a movie White shirt, long sleeves, and a serious attitude Kung Fu Hustle: When you're ready to take on the world When you thought you knew what you were getting into Kung Fu Hustle: You better be ready to fight When the stakes are high and it's time to fight Sing: Ready to take on the world! When you know you have to fight, but you're not sure what you're getting yourself into Just another day in the life of a kung fu fighter Kung Fu Hustle: It's not just a movie, it's a lifestyle When you're focused and ready to show off your martial arts skills When you thought you were just going to a movie, not a fight Yikes! It's time for a kung fu battle Oh no, here we go again Hah! Time to show off your kung fu moves! Ready, set, fight! When you're feeling focused and furious People in suits: Be prepared for a kung fu fight When you've got the moves and you're ready to show them off When you realize you've signed up for more than you bargained for When you're ready to take on the challenge When you're pumped up and ready for a fight Martial arts kung fu: The real deal When you're ready to fight and you've got the moves When you're pumped up and ready to go When you know it's time to prove yourself