Hit Girl Smiles Under Mask
Hit Girl In Movie Kick Ass Smiles Under Mask At Criminal
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I'm not a fan of the new Star Wars movies. I'm not a morning person. When you know you can be serious and empowered all at once When you know you can be a superhero and a comedian When you know you can take control of the movie Nothing can stop you when you stand in the door When you know you have the power to fight crime When you know you can be a Kick Ass When you know you can be a superhero and still laugh When you know you can have a kick ass movie When you find out you can be a superhero When you know you can fight crime and still have a good time When Chloë Grace Moretz takes charge When you realize you can fight the good fight When you know you can be a superhero without breaking a sweat When you know you can be a superhero in your own movie When you know you can be empowered and still have a great time When you know you can be a Kick Ass and still be funny When you find out you can be serious and empowered When you know you don't need fantasy to be a superhero When you know you can take on the world When you know you can be a superhero and still have a good laugh When you put on your superhero wig When you don't need to be a fantasy character to be a superhero When Mindy Macready steps up When you know you can be a Kick Ass at the same time When you know you can kick some ass When you realize you don't need a costume to be a superhero