Jackie Chan Confused
Jackie Chan Looks Confused And Shakes Head In A Photo
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I'm pretty sure Jackie Chan is smarter than me. I'm not a genius but I'm no Jackie Chan. What have I gotten myself into? Is this really the power of social media? Whoa! Did I do that? When you win a Film Festival award and your brain still thinks it's on Reddit Wow! I'm trending on the Film Festival news feed! When the Film Festival becomes a sideshow to your viral photo When your post gets more attention than the Festival Aww man, now I'm trending? Ahh! I can't believe this is happening! When you realize your post got more attention than the Film Festival When your photo takes over the Film Festival Jackie Chan when he realizes he's trending on Twitter I don't know what I just did, but I think it's viral! When your post goes out of control Jackie Chan when his photo wins more awards than the Film Festival Dark hair, dark jacket, viral photo, confused Jackie Chan Did I really just go viral? This is not what I expected! Is this really happening? When the Toronto Film Festival is overshadowed by your social media post Is this really going to be my 15 minutes of fame? When your post wins more awards than the Film Festival Jackie Chan when he finds out his post has gone viral Jackie Chan when he finds out his photo went viral When the Film Festival becomes the sideshow to your viral photo When you get more awards than the Film Festival