The Hangover Squad Walks In Style
The Hangover Squad From Movie The Hangover Walk Slowly In Hotel Hallway
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
When you're hungover but still tryin to look cool. I'm not hungover I'm just cool. When you and your friends take the hallway by surprise When you're trying to remember what happened but it's all a blur When you wake up after a night of partying, wondering what happened When you realize you and your friends really went wild last night When you and your friends march down the hallway with pride and confidence When your friends are too embarrassed to talk about what happened When you realize you have no recollection of the night before When you realize you and your friends have no idea what you did the night before When you and your friends can't help but feel confident about what you did When you and your friends can't help but feel satisfied with what you did the night before When you and your friends can't help but shake your heads, knowing you did something wild When Alan, Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, and Ed Helms take the hallway by storm When you and your friends take the hallway with confidence, knowing you had a wild night When you and your friends take pride in the mischief you got up to When you and your friends take pride in the craziness of the night before When you and your friends have no regrets about the night before When you and your friends are walking down the hallway like you own the place When you and your friends are too proud to admit what you did When you and your friends take control of the hallway When you and your friends own the hallway When you find out you were the star of last night's show When you and your friends look at the wall art and wonder what you did last night When you and your friends can't help but feel satisfied with what you did When you and your friends walk down the hallway, not sure what you did last night The morning after The Hangover