Kevin McCallister Screaming Wildly
Kevin McCallister In Movie Home Alone Screaming Wildly Around House
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When Christmas takes an unexpected turn Someone save me! Nervous? Scared? Panicked? Me too! That's why you don't leave kids home alone! Home Alone, but not by choice Panic in the hallway I'm in over my head! I'm so done with this! This isn't what I expected! Oh no, not again! Kevin, panic! How did I get myself into this mess? The suspense is killing me! Home Alone, and not in a good way I should have known better! Not what I signed up for! What have I done?! Santa, where are you when I need you? When your parents forget to pick you up from school I'm not ready for this! Help! I'm stuck at home! Ahh! What do I do now?! When Christmas turns into a nightmare Not the way I wanted to spend my holidays Is this really happening?! Please tell me this is a joke! What have I gotten myself into?!