A Boy Hits Head Against Door
A Boy In Movie Hocus Pocus Hits His Head Against Door In Frustration
Hocus PocusMovieFilmEntertainmentComedyFantasyHalloweenScary MovieClassicHalloween ClassicOmri KatzMax DennisonBoy Hits Head On Door In FrustrationBoy Hitting Head On Door In FrustrationBoy FrustratedBoy DisappointedBoy StressedBoy StressingBoy Hits HeadBoy Slams DoorSign On DoorRed SignShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessageRed Sign On Door
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When you're trying to act like you know what's going on but you really don't. I'm not sure what's going on but I'm just going to go with it. Not again! Hocus Pocus, but no one can get in When you try to watch Hocus Pocus, but you can't get past the sign Just when you thought you were about to watch the best movie ever... When you're so close to watching Hocus Pocus, yet so far Not today, Hocus Pocus! Ugh, why does this always happen to me?! No entry! Max Dennison, living the dream...or not I thought I heard the magical words...but no Unhappy, mad, and stuck outside Who put this sign up?! What kind of sorcery is this? What do I have to do to get in? Locked out of the movie theater, again Just when you thought the magic was gonna happen... When you try to watch a classic 90s movie, but the door is locked When you find out you can't get into the movie theater Leaning against the door won't help this time Not gonna happen, Max Dennison Too bad, Max Dennison! Oh well, another day, another sign Hocus Pocus, but no one can get in...ugh When you can see the movie, but you can't get in Max Dennison trying to watch Hocus Pocus, but it's not that easy Max Dennison trying to get into Hocus Pocus, and failing