Man in Rainbow Hoodie Hides
A Man Wearing Rainbow Hoodie Zips It Up All the Way to Hide
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I'm not paranoid I'm just always prepared. I'm not really hiding I'm just very good at being invisible. Please don't find me in my hoodie When you think you're safe but you're not When you think you're safe, but you're not I'm not ready for the world, so I'm hiding in my hoodie Yikes, looks like I'm in trouble again Hiding from the world, one zip at a time Afraid, scared, anxious…that's how I feel in my hoodie When you want to disappear, but you stand out anyway Hiding from my problems in a rainbow hoodie When hiding is the only option Is this hoodie big enough to hide me from the world? Trying to stay invisible in my hoodie Yikes, looks like I'm in trouble again! Hiding away in my hoodie Trying to stay hidden, but it's not working Where did I put that hoodie? Zipping up my hoodie to hide from the world Trying to stay hidden, but the world won't let me I'm not sure what I'm more afraid of, the world or my hoodie zipper That's one way to hide from your worries When the world feels too much, hide in your hoodie Cringing in my hoodie Zipping up my hoodie so no one can see me When you're trying to hide from the world Hide and seek, but you're the one hiding