Confused Guy With Dull Expression
A Guy Looks Very Confused And Has Dull Expression In Video
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
When you don't quite understand what's going on When it feels like you're stuck in a meme bubble When your reaction is "I don't get it" When you're caught in the middle of a viral video When you're lost in a sea of memes When you're stuck in a meme moment When your plants are staring at you and you don't know why When you're wondering if it's real or a prank When you're trying to figure out what just happened When you wish you could just pause and rewind When you're not sure if you should laugh or cry When the joke's on you When you just don't get the joke When a meme is more confusing than funny When someone drops a bombshell and you have no idea how to respond When the internet takes your thoughts for a spin When the meme of the moment doesn't make sense When you're trying to figure out what's going on When you think you know what's happening, but you really don't When the internet has you totally confused When you don't know if you should be laughing or running When you wish you had a thought bubble to explain what's happening When you're wondering if Deitrick Vaughn Haddon is wearing a green shirt or not When you feel like you've stepped into another world When the meme just doesn't compute When you can't believe what you're seeing