Leonardo DiCaprio Nods Head With Cigarette
Leonardo Dicaprio In Move Django Unchained Nods Head With Cigarette
Django UnchainedMovieFilmEntertainmentQuentin TarantinoTarantinoLeonardo DiCaprioCalvin CandyLeonardo DiCaprio Nods HeadLeonardo DiCaprio Nodding HeadLeonardo DiCaprio SmilesLeonardo DiCaprio SmilingLeonardo DiCaprio JoyfulLeonardo DiCaprio JoyousLeonardo DiCaprio Nods Head With CigaretteLeonardo DiCaprio Smokes CigaretteLeonardo DiCaprio Smoking Cigarette
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
Django zoom in so we can see your reaction! Django zoom in so we can see your face! When the truth finally hits you Is this really happening?' Time to face the music!' When you find out your movie hero isn't quite what you expected I should have seen this coming!' What did I get myself into?! This isn't what I expected!' When you find out the hard way that some legends are better left untouched Oh no, not again!' That moment when you realize you're not in Kansas anymore What have I done?!' Not what I signed up for! What have I done to deserve this?' Looks like I'm in trouble again!' When you realize you're in the wrong western Django adventures may be fun, but they sure can backfire!' When you realize you made a huge mistake I'm starting to regret my choices!' That's why they call it a revisionist western! Here we go again... Here we go again!' It seemed like a good idea at the time!' Just another day in the life of a revisionist western outlaw Say it ain't so!' I'm not sure I'm ready for this!' When you realize the truth behind the legend When you thought you were ready for this wild ride, but it turns out you weren't How did I get myself into this mess?'