Woman Looks At Calendar Intensely
A Blonde Woman Looks at A Calendar Intensely to Determine What to Do
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I'm not a procrastinator I'm just really good at planning ahead! I'm not lazy I'm just very efficient at resting! When the calendar reveals a hidden plot twist When Rosemary Woodhouse marks the calendar with her pen When you realize this is more than just a movie When Rosemary Woodhouse discovers something out of the ordinary When you find out that the suspense is only beginning When you realize the drama and suspense isn't over yet When the calendar has more to offer than meets the eye When the calendar provides the answer to your questions When Mia Farrow looks at the calendar with an inquisitive eye When Rosemary Woodhouse marks the calendar with her earring When Mia Farrow marks the calendar with her pencil When you find out the true meaning of suspense and mystery When you look at the calendar and feel a sense of calm and wonder When you realize that the calendar is more than it seems When the calendar sparks interest and wonder When the calendar provides the answers you've been looking for When you look at the calendar and say 'aha!' When the calendar turns out to be a lot more than you thought When you realize you were wrong all along When you have to think hard about what's really going on When the calendar reveals a secret you never expected When Rosemary Woodhouse takes her time to think When you find out what's really going on behind the wall paper When Rosemary Woodhouse finds out the truth When you suddenly understand what's going on When you have to take a second look at the calendar When you realize it's a lot more than just a regular calendar