Martin Lawrence Very Mad
Martin Lawrence In Movie Bad Boys Is Very Angry
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I'm not a bad boy I'm just drawn that way. I'm the bad boy your mother warned you about. Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do? Surprise! You're in way over your head Stand back when Bad Boys are talking Bad Boys: When drama meets action and nobody escapes! Bad Boys: When anger turns to rage and nobody wins! I'm starting to regret my choices Ah, the Bad Boys are back—in trouble Bad Boys: when things get mad, they get madder Bad Boys don't need posters or photos to make a statement, their clothes do that for them! When even the power of the sweater and necklace can't save you Looks like I'm in trouble again When you find out the hard way that bad boys don't always finish last When Martin Lawrence and Marcus Burnett get together, you don't want to be in the way! I'm not sure I'm ready for this "Ah, Angry!" -- The Bad Boys motto This isn't what I expected! Martin Lawrence and Marcus Burnett don't just talk, they shout! Time to face the music Oh no, not again! What did I get myself into?! Bad Boys: When police officers get mad, they get madder! When Bad Boys enter a room, you can feel the tension! When you realize you're in way over your head When Martin Lawrence and Marcus Burnett get angry, you better watch out! How did I end up here? When the moustache and gold chain don't help you out of a jam Don't mess with Bad Boys: they don't take any prisoners! It's time to face the glass window When the Bad Boys have had enough, it's time to move on! Posters, papers, photos, frames...oh no! Bad Boys: When anger takes over and nobody is safe! What have I done?! Ah, the classic Bad Boys combination: moustache, necklace, and an attitude Bad Boys: When drama meets action! Bad Boys: When anger turns to rage! I should have seen this coming When Bad Boys enter a room, you know it's time to leave! Shouting, standing, talking, staring—uh oh! When Bad Boys get mad, they don't just talk, they shout! Is this really happening? Ah, the Bad Boys are back—in hot water! The look of a Bad Boy: moustache, necklace, and a stare that says "Don't mess with me!" What have I done to deserve this? Bad Boys don't take any prisoners! Here we go again When the plan goes wrong, and you end up in deep trouble Martin Lawrence and Marcus Burnett: A classic bromance gone wrong Bad Boys don't just wear sweaters and gold chains, they shout and stand their ground! Don't mess with Bad Boys, they don't take any prisoners! When Martin Lawrence and Marcus Burnett get angry, get out of the way! Ah, Angry! The Bad Boys way of life! It seemed like a good idea at the time