Paul Rudd Cracks Knuckles
Paul Rudd In Anchorman Movie Cracks His Knuckles In Office
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I'm not even supposed to be here today! I'm sorry I thought this was a democracy! I'm sorry I thought this was America! When Brian Fantana was cracking the knuckles of justice When you're ready to take on the world When Ron Burgundy was ready to take on the challenge When Paul Rudd was trying to look cool in his suit When Ron Burgundy was feeling confident but anxious No more mister nice guy Suit up and show 'em what you got When the team was feeling ready to tackle the mission Ready for my close-up Time to hit the books When Ron Burgundy was gesturing and cracking his knuckles When everyone was looking smart in their suits and jackets When Brian Fantana was trying to stay confident Ready to tackle the day When Ron Burgundy was stretching and ready to go Moustache and necktie; a winning combination Ready for my book shelf tour When Brian Fantana was standing up for the team When Brian Fantana showed off his moustache and necktie When everyone was feeling anxious but excited for the mission When the whole team was feeling anxious but excited When the team was feeling confident but anxious When you know you look good When Paul Rudd was cracking open the liquor cabinet When Brian Fantana realized he had to crack the case Take me to your liquor cabinet Got to be confident, but don't get too cocky I'm ready for whatever comes my way Get ready for a wild ride When Paul Rudd had to crack open the liquor cabinet It's time to bring out the big guns When Brian Fantana was stretching and talking to the bookshelves I'm feeling confident and excited Time to crack some knuckles Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy is back When the team was ready to take on the task Ready to take on the night When you need a little liquid courage When Ron Burgundy was getting ready to crack the case When the team was feeling anxious but excited for the mission When you know it's time to make a move When Ron Burgundy was feeling a little too confident When Ron Burgundy was looking dapper in his suit and tie When Ron Burgundy was cracking the knuckles of justice Let's do this When the team was looking sharp and ready for battle Time to stretch my legs When you know you've got the power You can take the man out of the suit, but you can't take the suit out of the man When everyone was feeling well-dressed and confident Time to rock the house Ready to hit the town When the team was feeling anxious but ready for the challenge