Willem Dafoe Talks To Patrick Bateman
Willem Dafoe Talks In an Office To Patrick Bateman in Movie American Pscyho
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American Psycho adventures may be thrilling, but they sure can backfire! What did I get myself into? Willem Dafoe: Just the beginning of my American Psycho journey Nodding my way through the American Psycho thriller When the movie has you so enthralled you just nod in agreement Say it ain't so! Looks like I'm in trouble again Feeling elated after watching American Psycho OMG! I'm loving this American Psycho movie Nodding my way through the American Psycho movie This isn't quite how I pictured it This isn't what I expected I'm not sure I'm ready for this Nodding my way to a happy ending Time to face the music How did I get myself into this mess? When you just can't help but be thrilled by the American Psycho movie What was I thinking? When you realize you're in way over your head When you know the movie you're watching is going to be good When you're so yippee about a movie you can't help but nod Phew, I'm glad I got away with it Oh no, not again This isn't the ending I was expecting Nodding my way through the American Psycho horror Not what I signed up for! Thrilled to pieces by the American Psycho movie How do I get out of this one? Looks like I'm in the hot seat Just another day in the life of an American Psycho Nodding and smiling to the American Psycho movie That's why they call it a thriller! Feeling elated and nodding along to the American Psycho film Time to put on my detective hat! I should have seen this coming Nodding along to the suspenseful American Psycho drama When you're so thrilled by a movie you just nod along When you get so excited you just nod along Is this really happening? Enjoyment? Elation? Thrill? Yippee? Me too! Here we go again... When you're so excited about a movie you just nod in agreement When you think you're getting away with something Detective Donald Kimball: Just another day in the world of American Psycho When the thrills and chills of American Psycho have you nodding along That moment when you just can't contain your excitement When you find yourself nodding in agreement to the American Psycho film When the movie has you so excited you can't help but nod along When you know you're in for something special Yay! I'm so excited for American Psycho Uh oh, I'm in trouble now What have I done to deserve this? Here we go again When you just can't contain your enjoyment of the American Psycho film