Two High School Guys Fool Around
Two High School Guys Fool Around In Hallway With One Another
American PieMovieFilmEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousStupidOz OstreicherKevin MyersThomas Ian NicholasChris KleinTwo High School Guys Dancing In HallwayTwo High School Guys Dance In HallwayTwo High School Guys Fool AroundTwo High School Guys Fooling AroundTwo High School Guys Being SillyTwo High School Guys Acting Silly
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American Pie? More like American FOOLING! When you thought you were getting apple pie but it's just a bunch of fools. It's time to show off my American Pie knowledge When you find out Kevin Myers was never real Ah ah oh oh, the endless enjoyment of American Pie When your plan to be popular backfires Ah ah oh oh, the endless fun of American Pie This isn't the kind of attention I wanted! Ah ah oh oh, the joys of being an American Pie Fool Just another day in the life of an American Pie Fool When you thought American Pie was just a movie I'm going to stand and dance like an American Pie expert The dangers of adult comedy romance When you realize your teenage dreams were a lie When your attempt to relive the American Pie films backfires What did I get myself into?! All I need is a little bit of American Pie Enjoying my American Pie marathon When you realize being an American Pie Fool isn't all it's cracked up to be Not the kind of fame you were hoping for When you find out not everyone loves American Pie Who knew American Pie could be so romantic? Oh no, not again!' I'm trying to show off my American Pie expertise I'm ready to relive the American Pie magic T-shirts and backpacks won't get you far When you realize you're not as cool as you thought Just another day in the life of an American Pie fan When the other students aren't impressed by your movie knowledge I'm ready to tease my friends with my American Pie knowledge When you can't get enough of American Pie Who knew being an American Pie Fool would be so hard?! I'm ready to feel the American Pie love Enjoyment level: Zero I'm ready for my American Pie adventure! How did I ever think I could get away with this?! Oz, Kevin, Thomas, Chris: The American Pie Fools When your lockers become a source of mockery Ah ah oh oh, the joys of being an American Pie fan No one's laughing at your jokes anymore Dancing and teasing only goes so far T-shirts, backpacks, lockers and dancing, it must be an American Pie movie! Ah, the memories of being an American Pie Fool Time to face the music... Time to get into the American Pie spirit I'm trying to fool the other students with my American Pie trivia I'm feeling the American Pie nostalgia Time to show off my American Pie dance moves Fooling my friends with my American Pie quotes Oz Ostreicher, here I come!