A Drunk Man Requests Another Drink
A Drunk Man In Movie The Fifth Element Requests Another Drink But Is Denied
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I'm not drunk I'm just drinking the th element. I'm not drunk I'm just really good at the th element. When you've had one too many and still have to save the world When the fate of mankind rests in the hands of a man with a silver bow tie When you're the last hope for saving the world What have I gotten myself into? Time to get serious when the 5th element arrives When you realize the fate of humanity is in the hands of a robot bartender When you realize the 5th element is really here Looks like I'm in trouble again When all the other people in the room suddenly turn into robots When Father Vito Cornelius throws his hand gesture, life changes When you need a little liquid courage to face the Fifth Element Time to face the music When the only thing keeping you calm is a brown cloak When you've just had a few too many and the fate of the world is in your hands When the only thing more intimidating than the Fifth Element is Father Vito Cornelius When all the other people in the room suddenly become robots When you realize you can't do it alone, but a few drinks might help When you know you're in for an adventure when Father Vito Cornelius is talking and gesturing When the only way to get through this is with a few drinks When you realize the 5th element is no joke Oh no, not again When you can't even think straight, but still have to take on the Fifth Element Uh oh, looks like it's time to get serious When you realize you can't do it all on your own When the only thing standing between you and total disaster is a silver bow tie When everyone else is counting on you to save the day When the fate of the world depends on a man with a silver bow tie When Vito Cornelius shows up in his silver bow tie and brown cloak When the only thing more serious than the situation is Father Vito Cornelius' hand gesture What did I sign up for? When you can only talk yourself into facing the Fifth Element with a few drinks Father Vito Cornelius: The only man brave enough to take on the Fifth Element When you realize the 5th element isn't just a movie Is this really happening? When you take a sip and then realize you've got to face the Fifth Element You know it's serious when Father Vito Cornelius is gesturing with his hands When you realize the 5th element is more than just a movie When you need a little liquid courage to take on the Fifth Element When Father Vito Cornelius starts talking and gesturing, you know it's time to get serious What have I done to deserve this? When you just need to take a deep breath and face the Fifth Element When you need a few drinks to get the courage to take on the Fifth Element When the 5th element arrives, you know it's time to get serious When even Father Vito Cornelius is hitting the bottle, you know it's a rough day The bartender said it's time to get serious When you realize the 5th element is more than just science fiction When the 5th element shows up, all hell breaks loose What could possibly go wrong? When Vito Cornelius shows up, life changes What could possibly happen next? Looks like I'm in for a wild ride Father Vito Cornelius: Taking on the Fifth Element one drink at a time