Stonk Man Meme To the Moon
Stonk Man Meme Looking At Stocks Going Up
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
When the stock market crashes and you have to face the music When you realize your stock portfolio isn't as secure as you thought Stonks man: What did I get myself into? When you realize your stock portfolio was a bad idea When the stock market drops and you can only stand and watch Oh no, not again! Just another day in the world of stonks When you realize you should have sold your stocks earlier When the stock market takes a turn for the worse When the stock market plunges and you're left standing When you realize you need to take a step back from the stock market When you thought stonks were going to make you rich When the stock market takes a dive and you're left holding the bag When the stock market doesn't go as planned When the stock market crashes and you're left with nothing When you realize you've made a bad investment When you realize that stocks aren't as safe as you thought Looks like it's time to pull out of the stock market When your stock photos don't bring in the profits you were expecting Your stocks are down, but you're still standing When the stock market crashes and your dreams go up in smoke When you realize your stock picks weren't as smart as you thought When you thought the stock market couldn't get any crazier Looks like it's time to take a look at the stocks When you realize your stock photos weren't a good investment