Fireball Hits Car
A Fireball In Movie Men In Black Hits A Car And Destroys It
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I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. I'm not a machine I'm a human. I'm not a robot I'm a machine. When your tree gets bombed and you're left scared and confused When your quiet life gets turned upside down When you're left feeling scared and confused When your life gets as explosive as a Men In Black movie When you least expect it, an explosion rocks your world When you realize you're in way too deep When the Men In Black show up and your world explodes When your life goes from zero to 100 When your peaceful life gets interrupted by an unexpected explosion When your barn house is hit by a bomb When your life gets as chaotic as a Men In Black movie When the Men In Black come knocking When your peaceful life turns into a chaotic one When your life takes an explosive turn When you realize you're in for the ride of your life When you least expect it, your life changes in an instant When you realize you're in over your head When your peaceful life becomes a chaotic one When your science fiction adventures backfire When the Men In Black show up, look out! When your old farm truck tires take you on an unexpected journey When you feel like you're living in a sci-fi movie When your science fiction adventure takes an unexpected turn When your life takes a turn for the worse When you thought nothing could go wrong, but you were wrong When you think you're safe, but you're wrong