Jeff Goldbloom Stares At Dung Pile
In Jurassic Park Jeff Goldbloom Stares At Dinosaur Dung Pile
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I'm not saying that the dinosaurs should be allowed to run free but maybe we shouldn't have built the park in the first place. Jeff Goldblum: When you thought you were just taking a stroll Jeff Goldblum: When you can't believe what you're seeing Jeff Goldblum: When you're caught between fascination and fear When you realize Jurassic Park is more than just a movie That moment when you realize it's time to run! Jeff Goldblum: When you realize there's no turning back When science fiction becomes a reality When you realize you've stumbled upon a dinosaur's private bathroom Jeff Goldblum: When you're really not in the mood for an adventure Jeff Goldblum: When you know you're in for an adventure When you're faced with a mound of dinosaur poo Jeff Goldblum: When you can't decide how to feel Who knew the dinosaurs liked to pile their poo? When you can't believe your eyes Dr. Ian Malcolm: Just another day in Jurassic Park When you realize you're in a real-life version of Jurassic Park Jeff Goldblum: When a pile of dinosaur poo ruins your day Jeff Goldblum: When you're faced with the unexpected Jeff Goldblum: When you take a wrong turn in Jurassic Park When you find yourself in a Jurassic Park surprise Jeff Goldblum: When you wonder how this could have happened When you find out the dinosaurs aren't just in the movies Jeff Goldblum: When you thought your day couldn't get any crazier Jeff Goldblum: When you thought you knew what to expect in Jurassic Park