Bella Poarch Blows Kisses
Famous Singer, Bella Poarch Blows Kisses To Fans On Video
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Bella Poarch just made my day! Bella Poarch more like Bella smooches! Bella Poarch giving me life! When you know it's going to be a great day Going viral, one kiss at a time When you know it's really going to be a good day Hmmm, what should I do now? Cosmopolitan Magazine meets Youtube in a viral video Hmmm...grateful and happy! Bella Poarch making history Sitting pretty on the couch That moment when you know you've made the right decision That moment when you realize you've made it What a journey! When you know you made it That kiss that changed everything So happy to be part of this moment Thankful for all the love and support Gotta dress to impress When Cosmopolitan Magazine calls Expressing gratitude with a special kiss Bella Poarch: The kiss that made the internet go wild Ready to take on the world The kiss that went viral Bella Poarch and the kiss that took social media by storm Feeling blessed Social media is buzzing with Bella's Kiss Happy and grateful for my success When you're grateful for the moment and for the kiss When you get invited to be on the cover of a magazine I'm grateful for all the opportunities Showing gratitude with one simple kiss That moment when you know you made the right choice Cosmopolitan Magazine and YouTube: A match made in viral video heaven Those special moments when you just have to express your feelings When you can't help but feel grateful and happy When the fashion and the romance come together perfectly Bella Poarch, Youtube sensation When you get that special kiss you've been waiting for When you know a kiss is worth more than words Talking about gratitude with a special kiss When fashion and romance collide Black dress, gloves and a kiss that says it all When you hear people talking about you All dressed up for my viral moment When you know this kiss is going to be special When your dreams come true When you get that kiss you've been waiting for When you're expressing gratitude for your success Styling it up with my fashion gloves When you find the one you've been looking for When you realize your video went viral When you know it's time to show your appreciation Black dress, trending everywhere When Youtube fame comes knocking